We have partnered with P&E Microcomputer Systems to sell and support their Hardware and Software tools.P&E Microcomputer Systems is an industry trendsetter in hardware and software development tools for Freescale microcontrollers. P&E takes pride in its committment to providing professional, low-cost development tools and prompt, knowledgeable customer support.
PEMICRO's Software tools for varioius MCUs:PEmicro offers a variety of software that works seamlessly with our hardware interfaces, such as our Multilink development interfaces or Cyclone production programmers. This page provides an overview of the categories of software that PEmicro offers for those working with NXP devices. To search by architecture, part number, etc., please use our Product Search page.
PROG Software:The PROG programming software allows you to program/reprogram external flash devices in-circuit, via one of PEmicro's compatible hardware debug interfaces. PROG software is available for the following architectures:
Cyclone Control Suite allows users to control and automate the production programming process, and is included with PEmicro's CYCLONE LC and CYCLONE FX programmers.
Users can add/remove/update programming images, select and launch images, use serial numbers, receive results & detailed error info, and more. The Cyclone Control Suite consists of 3 components, each of which offers a different approach:
P&E's USB Multilink Universal is an all-in-one development interface which allows a PC access to the Background Debug Mode (BDM) or JTAG interface on Freescale HCS08, HC(S)12(X), S12Z, RS08, ColdFire V1/+V1, ColdFire V2-4, Qorivva 55xx/56xx, and Kinetis ARM MCUs. It connects between a USB port on a Windows machine and the standard debug connector on the target. The Freescale MCUs are supported via the multiple headers located on the USB Multilink Universal. Ribbon cables suitable for a variety of architectures are included.
The USB ML Universal works with P&E Microcomputer System's in-circuit debuggers and flash programmers to allow debug and flash programming of the target processor. For many of the supported processors, P&E has a set of interface libraries allowing the user to write their own Windows based application which interacts with P&E's debug interface. IAR, Cosmic, Codesourcery, Keil, Atollic, and CodeWarrior software all support the use of P&E's USB Multilink Universal to develop and debug with Freescale's Kinetis ARM devices.
More details... Overview of various Debug probes...P&E's USB Multilink Universal Fx is a high-speed, all-in-one development interface which allows a PC access to the Background Debug Mode (BDM) or JTAG interface on many different Freescale MCU architectures. HC16, 683xx,Power 5xx and 8xx are the extra processors this model supports when compared to USB ML Universal.
Comparison of Multilink Universal and Multilink Universal Fx..The Cyclone series of programmers are stand alone and can program target processors independently of a PC. Connecting to a PC allows the Cyclone programmers to be automatically controlled and also allows configuration of the Cyclone (such as adding more programming images). The Cyclone connects to the PC via USB, Ethernet, or Serial connections and all three cables are provided. For Ethernet connectivity, the Cyclone programmers can either be assigned a fixed IP or can dynamically acquire one via DHCP.
In addition to manual launch via the start button, stand-alone programming can be automatically controlled from a PC using the included Cyclone Control Suite. The goal is to allow full control of one or more Cyclones from the PC, either from within a GUI, a custom application, or from the command-line. This includes launching programming, recovering results, managing images resident on a Cyclone, adding unique programming data for each target, and more. All of these things are possible in an automated way without an operator.
Comparison of Cyclone Universal and Cyclone Universal Fx.. PROGACMP Download..2021 © Uchi Embedded Solutions. ALL Rights Reserved.