PCB Layout:

PCB Layout is a high-level engineering tool for board design with smart manual routing, shape-based autorouter, advanced verification, and wide import/export capabilities. Design requirements are defined by net classes, class-to-class rules, and detailed settings by object types for each class or layer.

DipTrace features a design process with real-time DRC, which reports errors on the fly before actually making them. The board can be previewed in 3D and exported for mechanical CAD modeling. Design Rule Check with in-depth detailing, Net Connectivity verification, and comparing to source schematic ensure maximum quality of the final product.

PCB layout

PCB Layout provides the following features:

  • Smart Project Structure
  • Placement Features
  • Fanout
  • High-Speed Autorouter
  • Manual Routing
  • Advanced Verification Features
  • 3D PCB Preview & STEP Export
  • Import / Export
  • Manufacturing Output